127923573 - 1_izrxhlxj - PID 1851201 Hi, I'm Ted Dixon with your morning or part video summary for March 24. At INK Research we rely on the INK Edge process to uncover opportunities or risks in the market. The INK Edge ranks stocks on the basis of evaluation such as price to earnings ratios, etc, insider commitment, which includes insider buying and holdings. And the third factor is price momentum. Based on its ranking, the stock is given an outlook. For example, if the stock makes it into the top 10 percent of all stocks ranked, it gets put into the sunny category. For more on the INK Edge ranking process, see our FAQ number five at INKResearch.com. Now, just as a weather can change quickly and sometimes without notice, so can a stock's INK Edge outlook, Sleep Country Canada provides a recent example. We featured it here on March 4th. At the time, we noted that the stock had a mostly sunny outlook, putting it in the top 30% of all stocks ranked. Since that report, the stock has continued to move higher. However, sleep country now has moved into a cloudy INK Edge outlook, putting it into the bottom 30% of all stocks ranked. This change was due primarily to significant insider selling since our last report, net of option exercises, insiders have so more than $2.58 million worth of shares. Now, Insider activity can appear seemingly out of the blue to change. And that is why it is worth keeping an eye on a stock's rankings through INKResearch.com or via the Canadian Insider Club at CanadianInsider.com Now these INK Edge outlook rankings are not recommendations buy or sell securities. And I'm not a licensed financial advisor. So please do your own due diligence. If you'd like a copy of the report, please visit INKResearch.com or visit CanadianInsider.com and pick up a copy via the Canadian, Insider Club. Well, thanks for stopping by and check back again tomorrow for another ink morning report video summary.